Custom API key not accepted as search-only API

Support Forums Programming and Development WordPress Custom API key not accepted as search-only API


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanne 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1181

    john kennedy

    A custom API key is created, but it is not accepted as Search-Only API key in plugin settings.



    Creating a dedicated search API key is indeed a good practice. If you want to be able to use that new generated API key as the Search-Only API key, you have to make sure it only has the search ACL privilege. For security reasons, we reject every filled Search-Only API key that has additional privileges.
    Secondly, we also require that the provided search API key has the TTL set to 0 (standing for unlimited validity in time). We do not want your users to get search outage.

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