Getting wrong shipping cost for residential address

Support Forums Modules and Extensions Magento FedEx address validation Extension Getting wrong shipping cost for residential address

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  george 10 years ago.

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    I have purchased and using Fedex address validation extension my site.

    We had an order come through yesterday at 4 PM that was marked as Ground shipping when it should have been marked as Home shipping. When I tested the address in checkout I did not see the Ground option and only saw the home delivery option which is correct.

    Can you explain why this might happen? We receive a high volume of orders and we need to ensure that their addresses are marked correctly.



    Hi George,

    You can call to Fedex support with your order address.
    They will verify in the database and let you know the type of address(Residential or Commercial).
    You can see the Home delivery option only for Residential addresses.
    We are just verify with Fedex database and showing the rates in your site.
    If you have any other queries, kindly let us know.


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