How Do I Know I Don’t Have Malware

Support Forums Security Malware & Piracy How Do I Know I Don’t Have Malware

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanne 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1340

    James George

    Finding out Don’t Have Malware



    Dear George,
    Malware is rarely visible on your website; it is usually hidden in your webpage code. A malware scan by a malware detection tool can help you identify infected code. When you purchase a product that includes the Norton™ Secured Seal it will include daily malware scanning.

    If malware is detected, you will be notified and directed to a list of infected pages and the code causing the problem. Your website administrator can find and delete all instances of the code and request that your site be rescanned within 24 hours.

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