Important Authorize.Net Technical Updates

Support Forums Modules and Extensions Prestashop Important Authorize.Net Technical Updates

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    Important Authorize.Net Technical Updates

    Authorize.Net is upgrading the infrastructure to enhance system performance and security. There are several updates and enhancements done by They have implementing a new networking solution that will provide merchants with a superior level of processing reliability.

    Akamai Network Technology:
    Over the coming months, Authorize.Net will be upgrading access to the Internet connections that serve our data centers. Instead of allowing direct connections, all Internet traffic will be routed through Akamai, a third-party cloud network service that routes and delivers Internet traffic.
    Using Akamai network technology will help decrease latency and improve the reliability of our payment gateway. It will also help safeguard against interruptions caused by issues beyond Authorize.Net’s direct control, such as Internet congestion, fiber cable cuts and other similar issues. Additionally, come October, merchants connected to Akamai should no longer be affected by planned downtimes.

    Implementation Plan and Timeline:
    Phase One (Now through June 2016) — created three new URLs for transaction processing that are hosted by Akamai. You can update your website or payment solution to point to the new transaction URLs today, which will provide the immediate benefits detailed above. Come October, merchants connected to Akamai should no longer be affected by planned downtimes.
    Phase Two (June 2016) — will automatically direct all existing transaction processing URLs to connect through Akamai in June of 2016. After this change, all transaction URLs will connect to Authorize.Net through Akamai.
    IMPORTANT: To take advantage of the uptime benefits Akamai offers, we recommend you proactively update your website or payment solution during Phase One rather than waiting to be automatically updated during Phase Two.

    Updating Your Solution:
    The new Akamai transaction URLs that are available now are:

    If you have any questions about the Akamai upgrade, development service, You can contact us via or Contact us

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