Is there capture method available in module backend

Support Forums Modules and Extensions Opencart PayPal payments advanced Is there capture method available in module backend

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  george 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Opencart paypal advanced module
    Would this work with Paypal PayFlow? Right now I am using the Paypal Payflow Pro that comes w/ OC 2.0, but it only allows me to authorize, there is no way to capture the payments.
    But otherwise it looks like the same info as your module:
    Test Mode
    Transaction Method
    Order Status
    Sort Order
    Geo Zone



    Hi George,

    You can use the manager.paypal account to configure our module.
    In the module backend you can see the “Transaction Method: sale or authorization”.
    If you select the “authorization” in backend: once customer place the order for $100, that amount blocked in customer account and its not added in site admin account. You can see that order in capture tab. Once you click on Capture in module backend. Then it will charge from customer account and added in admin account.
    If you select the “sale” in backend: once customer place the order for $100, it will charge from customer account and added in admin account. Then you can see that order in “Refund” tab.
    If you have any other queries, you can share here…


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