paypal delay capture

Support Forums Modules and Extensions paypal payments advanced paypal delay capture

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  matthew 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    when i capture the payment under opencart payment module.
    it sholud be capture and settlement. but it is not. I didn’t get any money
    from the paypal. about 6 transaction.
    I called paypal tech support and merchant service they said it is your
    module problem. your capture button is delay capture button not regular
    capture button. but we can make ticket for this issue. that is what they
    How can i fix this issue?


    Here is the scenario we found.

    1. You configured our module in test mode.
    2. And Few Orders were placed on the store at that time.
    3. Now you updated the configuration to live mode.
    4. When you try to capture the order, it throw an error.

    But you want to recover those test orders as live order, which is not possible.

    “Recovering the Test order to Live is not possible from our end. In case if Paypal could do that kind of transaction recover, then please contact them and they will do that from your paypal manager account itself.

    OR you need to contact the purchased customer and get the payment for those orders using an offline payment method.”

    We hope this will help to solve the issue.

    Paypal Modules:

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