What is Client Server Testing?

Support Forums Security QA & Testing What is Client Server Testing?


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanne 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1313

    Mary Sopna

    What is Client Server Testing?



    Dear Sopna,
    Client Server applications run on two or more systems. It required knowledge on networking. System is installed on the server and an executable file in run of the systems/client machines in intranet. In this type of testing we test the application GUI on both the systems (server and client), we check the functionality, load, database and the interaction between client and server. In Client server testing the user needs to find out the load and performances issues and work on the code area. The test cases and test scenarios for this type of testing are derived from the requirements and experience.
    The tests performed on these type of applications would be
    User interface testing
    Manual testing
    Functionality testing
    Compatibility testing
    Configuration testing
    Interoperability testing

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