What is the Web Application Testing?

Support Forums Security QA & Testing What is the Web Application Testing?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanne 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1311

    Mary Sopna

    Web Application



    Dear Sopna,
    Web Applications are the applications which run on two or more machines. The web applications are URL driven and work on web browsers. In Web application the web application is loaded on the server machine who’s may or may not be known and there is no executable file present which need to be installed on Client Systems. These types of applications are more complex and require broad testing. The tester needs to have knowledge about how the web application is interaction with the user. It also requires knowledge on various technologies like pHp, JavaScript, debugging. The web testing is done on different browsers, different OS. The application is checked for its browser compatibility and operating system compatibility, features like functionality, back end, GUI, load testing , static page testing.

    The tests performed under the web application testing would be:

    User interface testing
    Functionality testing
    Security testing
    Browser compatibility testing
    Operating System compatibility testing
    Load testing and performance testing, stress testing
    Inter-operability testing
    Storage and data volume testing

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