The site_url() will always be the location where you can reach the site by tacking on /wp-admin on the end, while
home_url() would not reliably be this location. The home_url() would be where you have set your homepage by setting
General > Settings “Site Address (URL)” field.
If you edit your wp-config.php file you can preload these FTP settings as constants read by WordPress. Keep in
mind, on a shared host, you should be mindful of possible security implications.
Using do_shortcode() function inside of php echo tag. A very simple solution is to use the do_shortcode()
function inside a PHP echo tag.
eg:< ?php do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?>
Dear Jhon,
A template tag is code that instructs WordPress to “do” or “get” something. Like in header.php we will use the
tag bloginfo(‘name’) to get “Site Title” from wp-options table which is set in Setting > General at WordPress dashboard.
The the_title() template tag is used to display the post title.
wp_list_cats() is for display categories.
get_header() for getting header.
get_sidebar() for display the sidebar on page.
get_footer() for get the footer content on page.
Dear Raja,
Many competitors around the world offer cost effective solution for customer. But we would like to advice you to concentrate on the app cost as well as the quality of the work.
Below are the factors to be considered before going with development of mobile application,
1.You must be sure with technology for your requirement. so that it would be helpful to find out the company profile that suites with preferred technology.
2.Check with project portfolio’s of company whether there is any mobile products/website developed similar to your interest.
3.Identifying the process followed by company will be considered as best practice.
4.Examine the past experience of the company and reviews provided by the Client.
If you are looking for mobile app development within your budget, the best solution we would provide ,kindly reach us at support@modulebazaar.com
Email marketing is one of the best way to reach out target audience and to increase branding awareness. The first thing we should know is what really gets people to open an email. Using catchy subject line, different themes and creative contents to keep your audience engaged are the great way to create best newsletter.
Hi sharmila,
Run the below php script in magento root folder for any error or else script will run without even timeout also.
< ?php
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('max_execution_time', 172800);
ini_set('memory_limit', 1024000000);
echo "start";
$indexer = Mage::getModel('index/indexer')->getProcessByCode(‘catalog_url’);
echo “end”;
Hi Sarmila,
Use the below code to get product Information based on Product Id
$_product = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->load($product_id); // Enter your Product Id in $product_id
echo $_product->getName(); // get Product’s name
echo $_product->getShortDescription(); //get product’s short description
echo $_product->getDescription(); //get Product’s Long Description
echo $_product->getPrice(); //get Product’s Regular Price
echo $_product->getSpecialPrice(); //get Product’s Special price
echo $_product->getProductUrl(); //get Product’s Url
echo $_product->getImageUrl(); //get Product’s image Url
If you need attributes like brand and manufacturer for that product you can get in same way.
Dear Jess,
Please find the sample return URL,
http://gp.elitemcommerce.com/wp-content/plugins/wp_woocommerce_firstdatagge4_hosted/return.php (replace the website name with your website name)
HI ,
You can prevent this by Web server configuration. If you get more number of traffic on the same IP for a particular page in a site you could face this.
Benefits of PPC:- Getting traffics from right audience, high conversion rate, Fast response and Brand awareness.
You can develop your android application by following below steps,
1.Download JDK (Java development kit) for android
2.Install Android studio
3.Download SDK (Software development kit)
4.Create project according to your requirement.
The official language for development of android applications is Java. Many Android apps are written in Java and its APIs are designed to be called primarily from Java.
We can assist you in developing the android application using Java.
We are well experienced in developing the iOS and Android mobile apps for customers.
Kindly contact Support@modulebazaar.com for more info.
No. A separate license agreement is not required. All products and services are subject to the same Magento Marketplace terms and conditions
Dear Lynda,
The social media is now the biggest network for sharing posts. But you cannot use the social sites randomly. You have to pick up the do follow social media sites for your sites overall progress. The most renowned do follow social media sites:
You tube,
Google plus,
Dear Lynda,
There are many ways to increase the backlinks, from which i would suggest to find the relevant blog and forum based on your search query and comment there with another link, Article submission, Business listing, Image submission, Directory submission, Press release submission and doing proper SEO.