Hi albert,
You need to make seller indexing for every update and addition of the new product in the backend via Marketplace>>Seller Products>>Live products.
Then only it will be reflected in the customer end.
Hi kevin,
This may be problem with module encryption.We have encrypted packs for php v5.3 sites. If your site php version 5.5, you need contact
We will Send you the updated module pack.
Hi david,
In our module we have authorize and capture & authorized only methods available in module backend.
If you setup the authorize only method, once you received the order you need to capture the purchased amount in your Firstdata account.
If you setup authorize and capture, once you received the order you will receive purchased amount in your Firstdata account.
Hi Albert,
For sandbox mode testing you should use credit card details in your account. Go to developer.paypal.com >> login with your account >> Dashboard >> Sandbox Accounts >> Select the paypal pro account >> profile >> Funding >> use the credit card details or use the below credit card details. Then only it will work for Sandbox mode.
Credit card number: 4032031522768281
Credit card type: Visa
Expiration date: 10/2019
The admin can view the commission amount, order amount and the remaining amount to be paid to the seller under the seller payout section. Go to >> Modulebazaar >> Marketplace >> Seller Payout
Yes, also the admin is given a configuring option to approve a seller. If the option is configured as NO, the admin’s approval is not required for a seller to sell products on the site. To approve or disapprove a seller, Go to >> Modulebazaar >> Marketplace >>Manage Sellers, then select a seller and select approve/disapprove from Actions dropdown.
You need to map the backoffice > products > suppliers > map the suppliers.
Then map the suppliers with respective carriers in Dropshipper module > Carrier settings.
Demo Video:
Dropshipper Modules: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
You can to edit the Module Translations under Backoffice Localization > Translations > Installed modules select the module and translate to Italian. They are translated separately from the Front Office and Back Office translations, just select “Modules” from the drop-down menu.
Then you need to fill the relevant language word with default module words.
Demo Video:
Dropshipper Module: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
After purchase you can download the module from our site.
Go to My Account > My Downloadables.
Dropshipper Module: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
Our Prestashop Dropshipper module is easy to install and configure on your site.
Look at our demo video and user manual for more information.
User manual: http://www.modulebazaar.com/kb/Knowledgebase/user_manual_dropshipper/
Demo Video: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/featured/index/play/id/15
Dropshipper Module: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
For installation steps, kindly look at our demo video.
Demo Video:
Dropshipper Module: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
FedEx will calculate the shipping cost based on the product dimension and shipping distance.
If you have any problem in shipping cost values, kindly check with FedEx.
FedEx carrier is not showing means mail to support@modulebazaar.com
Dropshipper Modules: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
Check your PHP loader version and PHP version with hosting provider.
It may requires the module encoding problem, contact to support@modulebazaar.com with your site details.
You can set up the module translation in site backend. Backoffice Localization > Translations > Installed modules select the module and translate to Polish language.
Dropshipper Module: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/dropshipper-complete-module-for-prestashop.html
Are you using the new field names as specified in page 11 of
PayPal modules: http://www.modulebazaar.com/en/modules/paypal-modules.html